All The World's a Stage
This series, written by coach Matthew Shur, is about the tension between performance and authenticity. We explore how we can play around with, tow the line between, and subvert the dynamics altogether of performance and pleasure in front of the camera.
Earth. Wind. Water. Fire. These are the elements of our planet, and the elements that run through each of us. In this powerful collection written by Brad Amberheart, we see scenes inspired by each of the elements. Earth grounds us. Wind lifts us up. Water cleanses us. And fire ignites us.
Dirty Filthy Animals
Facilitated and written by Jason Tantra of, this collection is inspired by the animal kingdom. Dirty Filthy Animals is a playful but sexy exploration of our naughty side, and adds new dimensions to express our sexuality. It's not meant to be taken literally, but instead as a roadmap for personal exploration, discovery and a bit of humor.
Seventh Circle
For this shoot, sex coach Finn Deerhart selected the theme of "Seventh Circle" in reference to Dante's Inferno. This shoot is an exploration of dark power as a motivator in the gay psyche. We examine sex that is tinted with desires to sadistically consume, control, manipulate and torture. The theme invokes a question: Does owning our darkness make it possible to ascend? Does looking into the darkness of our hearts allow triumph over the evils of denial?
Flesh of the Gods
As gay men, we may have been dismembered, but we are not broken. We journey through progressive stages of our lives, and we reclaim lost aspects of ourselves. In so doing, we become the gods that we have idealized, and we plunge into the archetypal currents of a human experience that have been moving us since the beginning. Series written by sex and intimacy coach Finn Deerhart.
Colors of Desire
Written by Matthew Shur, this collection brings together the sexy, raunchy, erotic and spiritual sides of life. This series also bridges the elements of gay tantra with the ability to talk about consent clearly, kindly and effectively. Each scene corresponds to a different color to bring in a new flavor of erotica.
If Wishes Were Horses
If Wishes Were Horses is an erotic film series derived from audience participation that uncovers how individuals today can begin to positively influence gay culture with respect to body shame (size/type/ablism), masculinity and femininity (toxic standards that separate these sides of the spectrum), wounds that have been turned outward on others (lateral discrimination), and expanding the definitions of sex to be more inclusive. Surveyed participants responded with what they wished they had known or experienced, looking back on their erotic journeys.