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Some Like It Hot

Added: January 11, 2021 | Runtime: 11:13 | 28,707 views

Camp and drag have been pillars of gay culture for decades - and yet, rare is the erotic film featuring gender fuckery. Why? Though we worship a long list of favorite queens, our devotion often ends at the bedroom; in our erotic minds - as evident in the most popular porn we consume - it's masculinity to which we bow.

But does it need to be this way? Does the sacred feminine deserve a place at the table - even in gay sex? Can dismantling gender norms be as hot as it is fun? Can we eroticize our femininity as much as our masculinity? Can confident queens be as appealing as muscled-out lumberjacks?

In "Some Like It Hot", we see the integration of drag and camp into a juicy, fun erotic video.

Recent Comments:
Great video and I loved the music.
Beautiful 3somes scene. Love the music too.
All I can say is "wow." I have never been into drag but this opened my eyes a little. I would not want a steady diet of this because I want my man to be masculine but as occasional role play I can see where this would be fun. It also amazes me how the sexes are so close. When you get down to it for the most part the only thing that separates us is our genitals. A physically fit man like Dakota transforms into a sexy looking female with some makeup, clothes and shoes. It was hot watching those lipstick pink lips going down on Taylor's dick. The scene was beautifully filmed and the music being provocative at first and then changing to a beautiful movie like score added to the feeling of the scene. The sexy Calvin made the scene complete, and the look on their faces when Dakota and Taylor saw him looking at them over that wall was brilliant. Calvins ejaculation was powerful and seeing Taylor lick his own cum added to the hotness. I never thought about it before but as gay men we are the luckier sex because we have a penis and a vagina to have fun with. Another Himeros film showing different styles of hot sex. Thanks Davey.
Oh! This is perfect. Simply perfect. So refreshing. So witty and rich. Brilliant goodie in these tough time. With some small hyperbole ... you are Billy Wilder of erotic videos!
Definitely one for challenging any preconceived notions you may have for Drag Queens, or the effeminate for that matter. I will admit, that I have alway appreciated the performative aspect of drag, but have never been sexually attracted to them. I am not saying you did a total 360 on my point of view, but you have succeeded in at least convincing me to be open to the possibility. Congrats to the performers and the rest of the team for putting out a piece of worker which challenges ideas of traditional masculinity in a very hot and sexy way. well done.
wow! joyous porn!
I've learned from your thematic, or instructive videos, but this one is pure fun. The sunny images are sublime viewing for a dark winter afternoon. Models are hot, each in his (her) own way, photography is first-rate. The ass-eating shots are sublime and the lounge music perfect for the occasion. A real winner!
I like the outfit. I like the music. The video is pretty good too. Lots of fun.
Phenomenal! You're correct, Davey. - "It's Porn...but better!" Hot, Sexy, Erotic and Educational; just like all the videos on your site. Please, keep the video music score concept throughout all your future videos. It enriches the masturbation experience. It's truly like watching a movie where you want to see the guy's fulfill their fantasies. And they do!
Wow. amazing video. In concept, execution, filming and music etc. Dakota provides a stunning performance, sexy in every way possible, masculine and Feminine. Davey continues to make this the most exciting and original site anywhere. Thank you
This video brought happiness to my soul! The campness of it all and seeing this femininity shown in such a fun and playful way. I feel like other sites show this type of porn in such a fetishized way, but this was done in great taste! Bravo, I think I need to get me some heels and lipstick for my future play session :)
Can’t say it any better than what has already been said here! Another wonderful and arousing vid. Definitely need to get a larger raft for the pool so it can accommodate a threesome!
They got lucky the high heels didn’t puncture the raft. It would have led new meaning to the term “going down”.
A very hot video. There are many things here that were beautiful (the men, the outfits, the camera angles), but what also amazed me was how three guys were able to 1) be on that inflatable flamingo , and 2) fuck on that inflatable flamingo. I do have one comment I want to make about why I think this video works as well as it does, the men are white and physically fit. I do think the campiness and drag element do come through in the first half of the video, but at the end of the day I saw three hot white guys with good chemistry fuck. I'd love to see if we can explore more with drag and its many dynamics.
Best. Porn. Ever. And the best porn music, too!
Just saw this beautiful video. Just wish I was there!
Cannot love this enough! I’m so happy to see men exploring their feminine side and in such a delicious and fun way! Also, excellent ass eating. Instant favorite! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Very different flavor, almost from a different time ("Some Like It Hot" theme and this did make me think of William Holden, his own Sugar Mama, and Dude 2. Music was very effect, beautifully-shot etc
Beautiful video! More like this, pleeeeeaaaseeeee!!!!
If Quentin Tarantino made a gay porn movie it might look something like this. Great idea and execution!
It's about time Tranny's are shown. Expressing the true femme side of the Bottom. More please!
Damn. Was binging some Taylor and realized how much I'd missed Calvin banks. Woof.
I like that all three of these boys seemed to enjoy themselves. What a team! I didn’t expect this theme at all. Great idea. Taylor is also becoming a favorite of mine.
Omg this is everything. Love! 🔥❤️🌈

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